Projecten met onze steun
[English below]
Ons doel is om zoveel mogelijk kinderen in ontwikkelingslanden toegang te geven tot kwalitatief onderwijs. Dit doen we door onze partnerorganisaties te ondersteunen bij het verwezenlijken van hun eigen onderwijsprojecten. Zo helpen we kinderen en hun gemeenschap richting geven aan hun eigen toekomst en dat van hun land.
Applying for a project
Currently our goal is to provide access to qualitative education in Uganda for as many children as possible. To achieve this we support our partner organisations in Uganda with the realisation of their own educational projects. This way we give children and their communities direction to shape their own future and that of their country. As of 2020 onwards we will focus on the realisation of our Masterplan Uganda. For more information about applying for a project in Uganda, please go to this page.